Saturday, May 28, 2011

An afternoon in the studio...


  1. There's so much to see. Reminds me of an "I spy" picture puzzle book.

  2. confession: i was so busy looking at all the bits, it took me some time to see the writing on the wall (as they say). how amusing you are.

  3. HEY LADY!! Are you gonna send me your addy for the May swap or do I have to come over there and find you huh? =0)

    Sheesh, does no one read there emails anymore?

    Oh and loving the eclectic mix of nik-naks. I think this is your best scene yet. Superb

    (the black button is sooo itching to be a little mirror or picture frame for future scenes)

  4. Wonderful scene, love all the tiny bits and pieces here, I keep discover small new treasures all the time!

  5. hehehe.. my blog name in turkish is atalet.. =) and I have benn atalet for some people for such a long time that whenever I want to buy a capital letter in order to decorate my library.. my hand goes to A =).. and I like vintage.. and handwritings or printed letters on everything therefore.. this is my office in a miniature.. =D..
    I love it.. reaaly I can dream moving in and out .. doing things in there.. =)..

