Saturday, May 07, 2011

Setting the scene: Part One

Call of the Small's recent post on how she puts a scene together came around the same time I was contacted by The Editor of Tiny Times (The Australian Miniatures Enthusiasts' Association magazine) asking if I'd like to write a piece about how my minis have moved out of the the dolls house and into a more ephemeral world.

So I'm playing along with what I'm sure will turn into a miniature meme (you always have the best ideas, CotS!)

I'm finding it almost impossible to make scenes during the week at the moment: a combination of long working hours and autumnal light fading early. So, unlike the 14 minutes Call of the Small's latest scene took, mine will take days, with plans hatching in my head as I eat lunch,drive to work, or drift off to sleep in bed.

My starting point are some recent eBay purchases (yay for having enough extra money in the budget to buy minis occasionally coupled with a lovely AU/ US exchange rate!):

1. This antique table and vases2. These Fisher Price tables (snapped up for a song after remembering Call of the Small's clever use of them as shelves last year) 3. This Art Deco bedroom suite:(All bought for Stephen's apartment, which you can see a bit of in this post)

I wanted a masculine but sumptuous look, something referencing an antique dealing man-about-town.

Reading the latest marie claire the other night I saw this:
And remembered a piece of fabric I was given last year which I really didn't know what I was going to do with (and almost sent to the op shop several times)

While pulling it out of the fabric tub I discovered a piece of leopard print carpet which I though might go with the whole feel I was after, using the fabric to upholster the wall. But alas, together, they seemed to moph into a ponderous German between-the-wars feel:
Not what I was looking for at all

I played around a bit. Introduced some more modern touches. Tried the fabric as curtains.
Realised I was probably trying to fit too many pieces into the scene and needed to pare down. And I left the whole idea to mature in my head...

(Time so far: three days, on and off!)

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