Monday, October 24, 2011

Because it's sometimes quite amazing what you can find in the cupboard...

Yep, that would be a doily rug.


  1. Hi, looks perfect!
    I have some "rugs" like that somewhere also..
    I Love your chair, would be nice to have a try.. ;)

  2. ooOooOO so nice, but i have to admit, my eyes and heart were more immediately drawn to the shelving unit :O

  3. I have that same chair, I stepped on it's mate and crushed it...oops! I've had it since I was a kid, a very, very long time! Looks great!

  4. I love this scene! I just bought a similar set of chairs with a coordinating table - vintage pieces in need of some TLC, which I promptly gave them. :D No photos posted just yet.

  5. I used to think doilies could never be hip. I'm wrong again. Very cool.

  6. Snowfern: the shelving unit is made of Lego Homemaker pieces which I bought off Bricklink (just in case you'd like your own...)

  7. I want the chair in 1:1; gorgeous.

  8. !! OMG REALLY?? i thought you purchased it, maybe Lundby or Re-ment...was even going to ask my Re-ment AHHHHH NOW IT'S BLOWING MY MIND WANNNTTT!!! i am in the same 'lack of funds' straits as you though, so i'll have to hold back for now *whimpers*

    BUT NO REALLY, WANT ahhh thanks for the info too *BIG HUGS* you've so made my day :D

  9. Just be warned there are two styles of cupboard: those with the holes for the cupboard doors and those desiged for the drawers.

    There are also two styles of drawer handle...

  10. hee thanks again uhm..Shopping Sherpa (sorry i don't know your name!) after i read your reply, i called around some lego stores in SG, then dragged my bf down to one that sold parts, alas, they didn't have any larger flat pieces, nor the doors/drawers :( i will keep an eye out for them via Bricklink, can you believe i was so taken by your cupboard i even downloaded the lego digital designer so i can figure out what the exact parts are named? XD

    also, thanks again for the tips! i will definitely check them out. i managed to get small itty bitty lego parts for other uses, will blog about it soon!

    Cindy (i can get a tad over-enthused, sorry about the lengthy reply :X )

  11. I have some "rugs" like that somewhere also..
    I Love your chair, would be nice to have a try.

