Saturday, January 28, 2012

Knitting and thinking

There's not been much happening here mini-wise over the past few weeks.
Except I've (oddly) found myself buying bags of Powder Puff and Fairy Floss yarn, in colours I don't have, on the two times I've been op shopping this year.

And have been trying them out. Which is good, as I do excellent thinking when I'm knitting (and mini flokati rugs are easy knitting leaving plenty of brain space for excellent thinking).

Part of the thinking revolves around my penchant for getting excited about things and making commitments I can't maintain. Something I'm aiming to address in 2012.

While I knit my rugs I'm currently pondering the option of opening an Etsy shop. And the opportunity to have a stall at the Sydney mini show in May. Both of which would be good outlets for selling said flokati rugs...


  1. Here's hoping you open a shop! You are so crafty. You should sell knitted pouffes and pillows too (hint hint) :)

  2. Oh do sell on you'd do well.

  3. YES YES YES!!!!!!! Please open an etsy shop. PLEASE!!!!! I hope you do the mini show in Sydney. I'm sure it would be great fun and a delight for everyone to see a whole stall of your work. Pictures please! Good luck!!

  4. Um...we have been begging you for years to open an Etsy shop, man! DO IT!!!
