Thursday, December 27, 2012

Starlight: a scene in progress

The inspiration:

Last month, at the Handmade market, I picked up a Newcastle Productions fridge magnet of the old Starlight drive in cinema sign (which used to live just a couple of kilometres up the road from me):
The intention:

To use up some of the pieces languishing in my 'new* bits to be used soon' drawers...
I begin picking out pieces that I think work with the colours of the magnet. At this stage I have no idea what the finished scene will be of, but the first two pieces out make me think of yet another studio scene (which is quite apt for 2602, the postcode in which the sign lived. And I live. And many other artists and creative people live.)
I keep digging:
And somewhere along the line the idea of a dining room emerges...
(Perhaps I could finally use the CB2 chairs I was sent by Claudia last year?)
The implementation:

Still playing, I start with the basics
then get sidetracked while hunting for my wooden dining table: perhaps it would be more 2602 to have a range of mismatched black chairs instead?
Still hunting, I come across two vintage armchairs. Perhaps I'm really making a cafe?
The interruption:

An hour after I start, I still don't know where my wooden dining table is (serves me right for not visiting the stash cupboard for six months!)
I give up for now, after finding the matching shelving until and arranging a few of the pieces I picked out in it.

(*Which are, for the most case, not very new at all anymore...)


  1. I love your chairs! Funny how ideas morph. I love that magnet, a great inspiration piece.

  2. I love the idea of a cafe with those two arm chairs and your mismatched black chairs (perhaps paint the CB2 chairs black?). I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. I'm enjoying coffee on the beach front in Sihanoukville, Cambodia and this has topped off my morning. I love all the images and look forward to whatever else you find and do.
