Monday, April 01, 2013

At the show

My favourite display at the ACTME show was Liz Dean's Recycled - an exhibition of modern art:
I thought the Redheads display in a matchbox was very clever (but forgot to note whose work it was)
and was amazed at the patience needed for Ann to hand wind these 1/12 scale crochet cottons:
I didn't buy much (I never do and this time I was holding onto my cash as I was heading overseas the next day)
A second shop counter ($8) so I can paint my other one white for the next version of my pop up shop, and three fabrics I plan to use for items for the May show ($9 total). A kitset potting bench which I suspected started life in a goodie bag ($3. Or was it $5?)

Worthy of close-ups:
 A distressed side table and plant ($3 for the lot),
 an industrial bench ($5),
 a set of mini buildings and things ($3 the lot),
 a Mary-Lou doll ($2),
 a selection of items needed on a cruise (beautifully packaged) ($2), and
an AMEA crate ($1).

1 comment:

  1. I've looked at this post a couple of times before, and only just now seen the 'peglegs' of the table in the first picture. sigh.
