Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thinking outside the box

While cleaning up my workbench earlier in the week I came across a vintage cardboard box I picked up from an op shop months ago for a whopping 10 cents: 
It was nestled beside some shelving from a recent eBay order. Which became the starting point for a new scene:
 (Especially when, as my sorting continued, I came across this image by Hannah Riden that  I'd pulled out of a New Zealand art calendar given to me by my Parental Unit (female).)
 And so, this morning I pulled the rest of the scene together, using the rustic boards from my New York loft scene, but on the wall this time.
 It's the snug of a New-Zealand-based man of the world.
Or something!


  1. Love it. I may even like the "rustic boards" as wall even better than floor. And as a floor it was awesome. Thanks for showing your process. Seeing it always leaves me amazed.

  2. Love the result of your creative thinking !

  3. Great colors...wonderful scene.
