Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dolls' house diva

Inspired by something that didn't end up in the final scene, I grabbed the Dolls House Emporium French-style chest of drawers from my pile of treasures and flicked through my paper stash to find a paper that would work with it.

At first I was tempted by the same paper I used in last month's Tretchikoff scene but then I saw this Hollywood mural:
(Flooring: grey pinwale fabric from the stash. Trophy: part of a 2012 swap package from Mini Dork. Vintage swan vase, birdcage (used as a light shade) and mirror: eBay. Hairbrush: David Edwards (bought at the 1992 NZAME Hamilton convention) Doiley: Cut from op-shopped lace piece. Frog: Playmobil from eBay. Chair: Wedding supply shop.)

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