Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wonderfulness on Wednesday

My friend Cider Teak returned to work yesterday after a month-long jaunt around Europe with her family.

And she bought me souvenirs! Including minis!
 A little itty bitty Venetian glass angel,
 and bigger Venetian glass bottles
 (with a certificate of authenticity).

Plus, she recalled my lack of beer for poor old Santa and remedied the situation while she was in Germany.
 So, in the spirit of pay it forward, I've decided to offer the box that she gave me my not-really Christmas presents in as a giveaway.
Obviously, mailing an empty box to someone is a bit silly, so I'll fill it with random treasure from my stash that can be inspiration for making minis. What exactly will be a surprise but I'm pretty certain there'll be a lot of bits from Typo.

Want to be in the draw*? Leave a comment on this post before midnight on Monday February 3 (Canberra time).GIVEWAY NOW CLOSED

(Extra for experts: If you're the lucky winner perhaps you could then refill the box and do your own giveaway! We could then follow the adventures of the box as it travels around the world spreading inspiration...)


  1. Super gifts!
    The idea of The Adventures of the Trawelling box is great! Love that!

  2. Love the gifts. And I agree that the idea of the adventures of the traveling gift box is great.
