Monday, August 18, 2014

The tiny Times: some work and some play!

The August issue of The tiny Times is finished, printed and delivered (well, to Australian-based members anyway*).
Laptop and mug of tea, with two issues of The tiny Times and a bar of Whittaker's hundreds and thousands chocolate next to it.
And my mind turns to the next issue. Based on some of the very cool miniatures I saw on display at the May Sydney show, I convinced my Editor to make the theme of the November issue 'Out of the ordinary'.

I also convinced her that our next Editorial Retreat needs to be in The Blue Mountains so we can drop in to visit Lewis and Marilyn's studio.

Continuing on the theme, I showered and dressed on Sunday morning just gone to visit The Old Bus Depot Markets in Kingston where I tried not to be a complete fan girl in front of Marisa and David from Suitcase Dollhouse.
Suitcase Dollhouse owners Marisa and David next to their banner at the Old Bus Depot Markets in Kingston.
You understand why now?
The Suitcase Dollhouse stall at the Old Bus Depot Markets at Kingston, with owners Marisa and David next to their banner.
(And possibly even more when I mention that Marisa made the stop-motion animation Tegan the Vegan, which I had a wee rave about a few months ago).

 I own one of their fabulous National Library matchbox buildings,
Suitcase Dollhouse 'National Library in a matchbox' displayed in a home setting.
and have an invite to visit their studio!

(*Want to subscribe? AMEA membership includes four magazines a year and costs just $A35 for the first year for Australian addresses and $A45 for international addresses. After that it's just $A25 and $A35 a year.)


  1. such diligence. i declare there should be cake.

  2. I'll put it on the shopping list :-}

  3. Wow!
    Those suitcases are fabulous!
