Thursday, October 02, 2014

Relevant reading

Much of my recent reading has been miniature themed, in one way or another.
Four miniature-related books in a pile.
First off the pile was a vitra catalogue which I picked up a couple of years ago for $2.99 from a Savers op shop in Melbourne, mainly because it had scale drawings of many design classics.
Inside of a vitra catalogue, showing measurements of Eames furniture.
Close up of a page in a vitra catalogue, showing measurements for Eames stools.
 (At that stage I still thought I might learn to design things for 3D printers and was rather excited...)
Close up of a page in a vitra catalogue, showing measurements for Frank Gehry furniture.
 On the train this weekend just passed, I finally cracked open a book that's been on my reading list since July (I don't 'do' fiction very often):
Front cover of the book The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton,
 I'm sure you've read it and would love to hear your opinion(s). I suspect anything I might say could be a spoiler.

I read this book on the trip back home (only nine months after I bought it!)
Front cover of the book Architecture on the Carpet by Brenda and Robert Vale.,
 Not a good choice for reading on the train, let me warn you. I guffawed several times, alarming the people around me. Once I read that the authors were based in New Zealand, the dry humour made more sense:
Inside page of the book Architecture on the Carpet by Brenda and Robert Vale.,
Inside page of the book Architecture on the Carpet by Brenda and Robert Vale.,
Inside page of the book Architecture on the Carpet by Brenda and Robert Vale.,
 I was disappointed when I finished this book, even though it didn't directly relate to dolls houses.

There is more travel in my future, and I've chosen this book to be my companion:
Front cover of the book Playing at Home: The House on Contemporary Art by Gill Perry.
I'd love to know of any suggestions you have to add to my piles...


  1. This is not an adult book but a children's book. I went to Amsterdam last weekend and my frined took us to the library where there is the most amazing Mouse Mansion, built by one woman to use as a story telling resource. I just bought one of her books, (and also a notebook by mistake-ordering things with dutch titles being slightly difficult!) I don't know if you have heard of it or not, but if not it is called 'Het Muizenhuis' by Karina Schaapman. I have got a copy of 'Het Muizenhuis, Sam & Julia En Het Circus' which is the only one available. I htink there are about three books. It is quite a large book and the pictures are good.

  2. Hi Sarah

    Thanks for reminding me of Mouse Mansion! I have the English language version ( my wish list and had forgotten about it :-)
