Saturday, November 29, 2014

A jarring day

One of the great things about Canberra is the fact that you can wake up in your own bed in the morning, spend the day in Sydney, and return to sleep in your own bed that night.

Today The Australian Miniature Enthusiasts Association held it's  November meeting, AGM and Christmas lunch in Sydney. I was lucky enough to get a lift up and back with a friend who was visiting her mother.

The main reason I wanted to go?
Miniature table filled with jars of jam and preserves, In front of it on th efloor is a selection of miniature empty jars, open jars, and squirt bottles.
 To do Chell Oldfield's jar-making round-table workshop.
Cutting mat with saw and sandpaper plus a tiny toy baby bottle on it.
 I particularly wanted to make a jar of Vegemite and a jar of pasta for Margell
Bottle of yellow nail polish with a miniature empty jar in front of it and a finished miniature jar of  Vegemite next to it.
 The Vegemite I finished. But I kept getting distracted so my pasta jar remains unlabelled and empty for now... 
Miniature jar of Vegemite and empty pasta jar on a worktable.
And the rest of the items in the kit? Added to my teetering pile of UFOs...


  1. Great workshop, wish I could have been there! Love your vegemite.

  2. Love the vegemite! I have the same increasing pile of kits, and yet I keep buying more!
