Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An afternoon off work

This afternoon the vet visited to check Mister Nibbs out (and, it ensued, take him back to the surgery to do some work on his teeth).
A vet looks at a cat in a cat carrier.
My boss preferred I take the afternoon as flex, rather than work from home after the vet had left. So I took the opportunity to run some errands that had been on the 'To Do' list for a while.

Buying wood filler, for example (thanks, Pepper, for the info). And 3D paint for a chest kit I ordered from the August AMEA workshop that I wanted to attend, but wasn't able to.

But the Typo factory outlet was slap bag between the hardware store and the craft shop that sold the 3D paint. What's a girl to do on an afternoon off with such temptation, except give in?
A selection of items from Typo (including a wooden Coca Cola magazine holder,a handlloom weave kit, a snow dome, tin of neon lime paint and a small orange alarm clock, Plus a small container of wood filler and a tube of  3D paint.
So there was a visit to the 'Not Quite Right' table, where I picked up (for a dollar each) a handloom weaving kit (which needs to be glued back together), a wooden magazine holder (to be pulled apart), a second packing crate (I wonder where that's heading...), a broken New York snow globe (just waiting to be broken into and harvested), a tin of neon lime paint (...) and an orange mini alarm clock,

While I was in the centre, I checked out the new Pottery Barn/ Williams Sonoma/ west elm outlet
Hand holding a very large safety pin.
And bought something very big.

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