Monday, December 22, 2014

I don't believe in Christmas

...but Santa arrived at my front door this afternoon anyway, and dropped off two large cartons.
Two large shipping cartons sitting on a living room floor.
 Which contained much Lundby goodness:
A new Lundby Smaland dolls' house and garden, surrounded by packages of Lundby furniture and accessories.
(and my first challenge for 2015).

At the Sydney Show back in May, I'd been chatting with lovely Paula, the Lundby Australia distributor, who told me about the new approach Lundby was taking with promoting DIY and custom Lundby 'hacking' and asked if I'd like to 'hack a house'.

Of course I said yes! Things got busy for us both (although I did find time to brain storm what I'd like to turn the house into and we emailed back and forth over several months to come up with ideas for what I might need her to send me as well as the house).

And today it all arrived. I should get started on the project but the beady-eyed amongst you might notice a reason to put things off for a couple of days:
Copy of the book 'Scandinavian Design in the Dolls' House'.
Included in  the boxes was a copy of the book I'd been eyeing up this time last year in Brisbane. If anyone's looking for me, I'll be on the sofa...


  1. Oo, interesting. I like the idea of a good hacking =0) Look forward to what you've come up with

  2. How cool idea (hacking)! Believe or not, Santa has seen that you have done it very nicely this year ;)
    Can't wait to see what you will turn this into!!
    With the Happy Seasons greetings

  3. If anyone can hack Lundby brilliantly, it's you! I am very interested in what you do. By the way, my long delayed package is finally complete and will be on its way to you this week. Hopefully, the international mail will reach you by June.😎

  4. I can't wait to see what you do. I always love a good dollhouse hacking!She couldn't have chosen a better hacker!

  5. Thank you Santa! What fun. Can't wait to see how you hack it! :D
