Friday, January 30, 2015

My, how time flies: is it Finish it off Friday time again already?!

... moving on to this week's project (even though last week's is not yet complete. I'm guessing we'll be into the final straight tomorrow and at the printer's on Monday)
A piece of scrapbooking paper printed with squares containing typography. On it is a dolls' house miniature mug, and next to it is a piece of brown cardboard.
Today's Finish it off Friday project involves some scrapbooking paper I was given last month. It finally decided it wanted to become coasters (and possibly placemats).

Tomorrow. once I've put the February tiny Times to bed, I'll stick the backing 'cork' on, cut to size and then spray with matte varnish, Or maybe I'll stick the backing cardboard on, spray with matte varnish and then cut to size.

What I won't do is put it aside while I decide which is the better approach, only to unearth it sometime in 2016...


  1. I would stick - cut -varnish but that's just me. How come you have you very own personalised mini mug? Explanation needed so I can make one =0D

  2. Good Morning,
    Good score on the wallpaper on the previous post.
    I did not realize you were involved with the Tiny Times. Do you know of any bloggers in Brisbane? I tried emailing the address from the Brisbane Show page but it bounces.I plan to attend the show next week.
    It will be an abrupt weather change for us from a Vancouver winter to Qld summer.
    Regars Janine

    is the facebook page for the brisbane show.

  4. Pepper: it was a gift from Penelope ( and it looks like she made printed my name with a label maker onto clear tape and stuck it on. You might also want to try using printable decal paper (I can imagine the tag you made for the back of the pub reproduced on a mug!)

    Hell, you might have just given me an idea for my next stall! Thank you :-D

  5. Hi Janine

    Yes, I joined the editorial team last February :-)
