Friday, March 27, 2015

...followed by a crazy miniaturist's handbag reveal

I have felt my handbag getting more and more out of control over the past two days as I've dashed from place to place and stuffed various things into it.

Tonight I arrived home from setting up my stall at the ACT Miniature Enthusiasts Fair and Dollhouse Show and remembered that I'd been given a bar of chocolate. Could I find it in my bag? No.
Large pile of items from a handbag including keys, hankie, wallet, various cases, business cards, scrunched up pieces of paper and a dolls' house miniature knitted pouffe and rug.
There was only one thing to do: turn it upside down to empty it out completely and return it to some semblance of order.

And what did I find?
Large pile of items from a handbag including keys, hankie, wallet, various cases, business cards, scrunched up pieces of paper and a dolls' house miniature knitted pouffe and rug.
Yeah, that's not going to last me terribly long...


  1. This is why I carry a small purse. I love the little chocolate bar.

  2. Hahaha, my work bag contains bits of wood and a bottle of water...

    Had to laugh at your label for this post =0D

  3. Teeny chocolate - whats not to love?

  4. I like how there was also a tiny pouf in there too. XD

  5. So funny, although not so funny if you are looking forward to a bite of chocolate! Great little mini chocolate though!
