Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fairy Meadow Miniatures' VIP opening

Yesterday was the VIP opening of Fairy Meadow Miniatures' new premises in Wollongong, and I was lucky enough to be invited.
Owner of Fairy Meadow Miniatures with a VIP opening invitation.
 The shop is much lighter and brighter than their old premises
View of the new Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop.
and there's now room for a display of room boxes set into the back wall.
Customers admiring dolls' house miniature room boxes set into the wall.
The opening was beautifully run, with delicious cakes
Table of slices with a dolls'-house shaped cake in the middle.
and on-theme tea and coffee supplies.
Shop-shaped tea and coffee caddies and branded tea cups at the VIP opening of Fairy Meadow Miniatures.
 There were lucky door prizes (with owner Lorraine being just as excited by the outcome as the winners),
Excited owner of Fairy Meadow Miniatures drawing a lucky door prize.
plus speeches and presentations of flowers to the wonderful people who helped get the shop ready for the opening.
Fairy Meadow Miniatures helper being hugged after receiving a bunch of flowers.
 And, of course, there was shopping.
Customers browsing the displays of dolls' house miniatures at Fairy Meadow Miniatures.
Customers browsing the displays of dolls' house miniatures at Fairy Meadow Miniatures.
 and lots
Customers browsing the displays of dolls' house miniatures at Fairy Meadow Miniatures.
 and lots of shopping.
Customers browsing the displays of dolls' house miniatures at Fairy Meadow Miniatures.
 But the people behind the till survived the madness.
Fairy Meadow Miniatures' owner and daughter behind the counter at the new shop.
 There was also catching up with friends
Two customers chatting in the new Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop.
 (old and new).
A group of customers chatting around the worktable in the new Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop.
And then, finally, came time for the drawing of the raffle. The crowd waited with bated breath
A group of customers waiting for the raffle to be drawn at the Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop VIP opening.
The owners of Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop waiting to draw the raffle.
 to see if they would be the lucky winner of the draw.
The owners of Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop drawing the raffle.
And the winner was Karen, owner of JWT Dollshouses & Miniatures, who had flown up from Melbourne just for the opening.
The winner of the Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop VIP opening raffle hugging the owner.
The owners of Fairy Meadow Miniatures shop presenting the prize house to the winner of the VIP opening raffle.
'And what did I buy?' I hear you ask. I was very good: since I'm now on a tight budget, I had planned in advance to buy two items: one was out of stock so my only purchase was a now-discontinued backgammon set by Michelle's Miniatures for Margell.
Modern dolls' house miniature backgammon set on a shop counter .
It was a fabulous opening and everyone I talked to had a wonderful time.


  1. Thanks for the 'walk through' of what looks like a fantastic occasion, the shop looks fabulous and everyone's having a wonderful time. I'm impressed by your dedication to frugality by the way, especially in the face of such temptation!!

  2. Wonderful coverage of such a momentous occasion, thanks!

  3. good job Anna Maria ... you captured it beautifully x
