Friday, July 31, 2015

Finish it of Friday: this week's challenge might stretch to more than one Friday...

It's been a crazy-busy week. I've been sorting out my tax, guest blogging, and helping with the first Pop Up Office Small Business Fair

My Sweet Alice was providing coffee at today's fair, out of a vintage caravan.
A vintage caravan cafe.
A vintage caravan cafe.
 Which made me think of the retro caravan kit I had in stash from Seaside Miniatures.
Modern dolls' house miniature retro caravan kit, in packaging.
Close up of a modern dolls' house miniature retro caravan kit instructions, with pieces.
 And made me decide that I really needed to start building it, based on my love of caravans.

There were other minis on display today: one of the stall holders had this fairy garden on their stall:
Miniature fairy house in a bowl on a small business stall.
 And the venue had a lovely pottery building on display (thankfully, for my budget, sold...)
Clay house on display in a gallery. In front of it is a clay kangaroo and sheep.


  1. First, I'm going to have to try your corn fritter recipe. Second, I cant wait to see what you do with the caravan!

  2. Pleeease do photos "as you go" of the caravan construction and fit out! Can't wait to see your take on decor, different kit to mine though it may be. I don't know where to begin with mine, cfs brain fog kills creative thinking.
