Friday, July 24, 2015

Finish it off Friday: bins and boxes

A day of old and new. The bins were bought when I lived in Sydney (so at least 16 years ago) and I'd somehow never got around to painting the wheels until today. While I was at it, I touched up some paint chips on the bins.
Three modern dolls' house miniature wheelie bins, on a workbench after being painted.
 I also finished some brooch commissions.
Five box brooches drying on a on a drying jig, with camps, toothpicks and glue.
Also finished this week: the August issue of The tiny Times (yippee!)  and my tax. I'm feeling rather chuffed all round.


  1. You're really getting down to business now that you have some extra time to dedicate to projects. Hope you have a relaxing and well deserved rest over the weekend =0)

  2. Break? Weekend? What are these things of which you speak? ;-P Tomorrow I start on some proposals to top up my bank account, which is starting to hover worryingly close to my emergency fund. Including seriously focusing on an online shop...
