Friday, July 03, 2015

Finish it off Friday: a Facebook page and group you might want to join...

I'm feeling off colour today and have sent much of the morning curled up in bed with a hot water bottle and a cat to keep me warm.

So I've not really been in the mood to whip up and photograph a kit.

What I have done, however, is started working on a Facebook page for my blog, and created a Facebook group for miniature bloggers.
Header for a Facebook miniature bloggers group.

Are you on Facebook? Care to join?


  1. Hallo, wat een leuk blog!
    Ik ben net naar 10 jaar weer begonnen, dus misschien meld ik me wel bij je fb :-)
    Een fijne dag groetjes Karin

  2. Always up for joining more fun!
