Monday, August 17, 2015

A conference, miniature-eyesed

A conference lanyard on a desk in a hotel room. On it is a miniature camera, and next to it are a number of clear plastic containers which look like miniature planters and sinks.
 I've just spent a few days on the Gold Coast at the 2015 ProBlogger training event.

Although I'd checked to see if there were any miniature shops close to the venue, I realised that I probably wouldn't have time to see anything more than the inside of the conference centre and my room (I was right).

So imagine my surprise when the miniatures started finding me, even before the first session started!

Olympus was running a #SpectacularStories contest, and were giving away miniature cameras. Alas, more like 1:6 scale that 1:12, but a miniature is a miniature, right?
Miniature camera displayed on an open hand in a conference hall.
And then at lunchtime, I spotted these trays under some of the cakes:
Plate with two small cakes on it. One is on a clear plastic tray. In the foreground is a hand holding up another of the trays.
And instantly thought 'miniature sink!' Which got me haunting the tables with to find any more that had been discarded. On the hunt I also discovered taller containers which had contained jelly: perfect for re purposing into large modern planters...


  1. These are awesome! I would have scooped up all I could!

  2. They'll make such great sinks! I look forward to seeing what you make with it.
