Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mocking me

One good thing about having my HBS Denise's City Cottage kit living on my dining table is I get to stare at it while I drink my morning cup of tea.
Side view of a taped-together modern dolls' house miniature kit, with a set of white french doors propped against the wall and a park bench next to them.
And get motivated to do more than just stare. This morning's cup of tea took quite a while to drink as I was taping together the kit bits
Rear view of a taped-together modern dolls' house miniature kit, with a cardboard wall and two small windows inserted.
 and cutting new wall templates out of cardboard
Front view of a taped-together modern dolls' house miniature kit, with a cardboard half-wall and two small rooms, one with a bed in it.
in order to see if my original plans would work, or if I needed to change direction before I start cutting more than bits of cardboard...


1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing the kit evolve. Enjoy =0)
