Friday, December 04, 2015

Where did the week go?

Suddenly it's Friday: which means that I gave my public programme at Goulburn Regional Art Gallery today.

Lorraine from Fairy Meadow Miniatures brought me flowers of the best kind:
Woman in an art gallery holding a gift wrapped in paper printed with flowers.
 printed on paper
Hands holding a gift wrapped in paper printed with flowers.
 and wrapped around a miniature shed!
An unwrapped gift containing a dolls' house miniature shed.
(Which will be perfect between the back windows of my HBS Creating Contest build, to 'mask the noise leakage' between the studios, but really to hide the wiring stuff...)

And I completely fell down in the good-blogger stakes and forgot to take any photos, or ask any of my friends who attended to do so for me. So the only photo I have of the presentation is from the gallery's Facebook page...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, so nice to see a photo of Lorraine. I met her at the Brisbane show , perphps it was this year but feels so long ago! Glad to see her looking so well.
    Wondering what you will do with the silver pots from the hotel toiletries? Imaging, your friend's Mother would never have imagined what potential those lids offered.
    Have fun.
    All the best for 2016.
    Regards Janine
