Monday, January 04, 2016

Having a play on this grey old day

It's a grey old day today, so I was ever so pleased that I'd arranged to go to the cheapy Monday movies with a friend this morning.

But after I'd arrived home and had lunch, that nagging sense that I needed to feed the blog crept up on me, even though I complained that I was tired and unmotivated and just wanted to sprawl on the sofa with a book rather than be creative.

And I heard my inner wise voice whisper gently 'Just have a play on this grey old day. And see what happens.'

So, after sighing loudly and rolling my eyes, I headed over to my pile of unused treasures and stared blankly at it for a few minutes.

Until my brain decided to take the suggestion literally (as it's wont to do), and I found myself focusing on these Kaleidoscope House kitchen stools, given to me in 2012 by Mini Dork.
Two modern dolls' house miniature white and grey bar stools from the Kaleidoscope House.
Then I spotted the SLICE Tilt coffee table that Mod Pod Miniatures sent me in November last year. And the wheels started turning. A futuristic-style cafe, maybe?
Two modern dolls' house miniature white and grey bar stools from the Kaleidoscope House and a SLICE Tilt coffee table.
Next I pulled down the silver sleigh bed (last seen a couple of years ago, and since painted silver)
Two modern dolls' house miniature white and grey bar stools from the Kaleidoscope House, a SLICE Tilt coffee table. and a silver sleigh bed.
which didn't seem quite right. At which stage  I stepped back for a moment: and remembered the Daiso 'shelves' I bought in Melbourne in 2014 and which have ended up quite buried in the stash. Much better!
Two modern dolls' house miniature white and grey bar stools from the Kaleidoscope House, a SLICE Tilt coffee table. and a white perspex shelving unit.
Then I spied the ELF kitchen units that Elvira had sent. And realised two things at once: 1) this scene was turning into a showcase of miniature gifts from blog buddies (yay!) and 2) it wasn't a cafe at all, but rather a private kitchen.
Modern dolls' house miniature set up with a metal kitchen unit with stove, white and grey bar stools, grey and perspex coffee table and a white perspex shelving unit.
 I kept playing.
Modern dolls' house miniature set up with a metal stove and kitchen unit with sink, and two white perspex shelving unit.
Modern dolls' house miniature set up with a metal stove and kitchen unit with sink, and two white perspex shelving unit. To the side are a grey fire surround and a white floor lamp.
Emboldened by my success in cutting the bath, I  wondering how I would go if I tried cutting the depths of the shelves down. I also wondered if it would drive me nuts knowing that no one in their right might would install a stove in a kitchen without room to place hot pans beside it.
Modern dolls' house miniature metal stove between two white perspex shelving unit
By this point I was pretty sure I had something I wanted to develop further, so pulled out my trusty concrete paver for the floor.
Modern dolls' house miniature white and grey kitchen set up, with concrete floor.
And also the roll of white IKEA VARIERA drawer mat I picked up at Canberra IKEA on my first visit, although I'm fairly sure that it will scream 'space station' if I use it in this scene.
Modern dolls' house miniature white and grey kitchen set up, with concrete floor. In the foreground is a roll of white IKEA VARIERA drawer mat.
Which may or may not be a bad thing. We shall see...


  1. So, did you manage to cut the shelves ?

  2. I saw that drawer liner (transparent version) at IKEA last week....and I thought the same thing! Lol. When you leave me in long IKEA lines my mind wanders to mini things.

  3. I like where you are going with this. Those Elf pieces are awesome!

  4. Hi elbey: No, as I was busy improving the photos and writing the blog post. And having the dawning realisation that they wouldn't fit under my saw and damned if I'm going to try cutting them by hand. Back to the srawing board on that one...

    Kitty and Kat: They used to have a grey version that I picked up a couple of years ago, so I was pleased to see white. I'm trying to forget that we have an IKEA here now as my budget is dead after eight months out of full-time work :-D

    Mad for Mod: Thanks and I agree!
