Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sydney show stash: 2016

I wanted to share my finds with you last weekend, but the weather closed in on Sunday and so the lighting was terrible for taking photos. And since it's now autumn here, and I'm in full-time employment at the moment, catching the light during the week is becoming almost impossible.

Of course, the good thing about being in full-time employment is that I had more money to spend at the show this year than I did last year.

First up, the black and white pieces. These included some daisy fabric given to me by Jennifer, and some embroidered slippers made for me by Judy Foster (who also made the black and white stitched cushion that I bought,)

Selection of modern black and white dolls' house miniatures arranged on a desktop.
The  black and white flower cushions were by Dianne Cotterill, who told me she thought of me when she made them (clever woman). The white kitchenware with black edging were from Chells [sic] Miniature Corner, as were the black and white cupcakes. JWT Dollshouses & MIniatures had the white containers and bowls. The owls were from Liz (I think), and the 3D-printed plant pot, gnomes and vases were new lines from MinisByTwinMum. Finally, the crate bookcase was from Handmade by Andrea (I realised I was never going to get around to making my own).

Then I surprised myself by buying a collection of yellow items. I forgot to note which stall the cushions came from, or the bedding set. The Yellow pitcher and glasses set and the yellow spotty planter were new offerings from MinisByTwinMum, the champagne bottle and glass were from Kim's Minis, and the laundry basket from The Doll House.

Selection of modern yellow dolls' house miniatures arranged on a desktop.
There were blue items too: another bedding set, more 3D-printed pieces from MinisByTwinMum and a cheap bed and balls of wool from two stalls I forgot to note.
Selection of modern blue dolls' house miniatures arranged on a desktop.
And more bargains: the set of stools and a fold-up table, icebox (which I want to use as the basis of a speak-easy door), and bento box came from one stall which was having a close-out sale (I took their card but have misplaced it...) The picture of the sad-looking skinny woman was $1 in a bargain box and the cushions were $1. And there's a second cheap bed, which I'm probably going to paint.
Selection of modern pink, red and wooden dolls' house miniatures arranged on a desktop.
And, finally, there are the kits. (Like I need more kits). The Hoover Constellation is, once again, new from MinisByTwinMum. I didn't need the kitchenware kit but it was only $3 *shrug*. The display cases will be interesting, and I couldn't resist the wooden spoons and tray kit.
Selection of modern dolls' house miniature kits displayed on a tabletop.
Hmmm... perhaps it's time to resurrect Finish it off Friday?


  1. Some great purchases you got! Love Chell's black and white cupcakes!

  2. Beautifully displayed! My photos of my buys are crap, but will serve to remind me what I've bought - always useful for the following year!

  3. Love your purchases! Especially all the different colors!
