Sunday, November 13, 2016

Another day, another road trip...

I'd been back in Wellington for just over 36 hours when I was off again. My first road trip had taken me up the left-hand side of the North Island, and this time I was heading up to the right-hand side.
People packing a minivan for a road trip.
With a van-load of fellow miniaturists
View of Lake Taupo, with cabbage trees in the foreground.

The theme was 'The 1940s', and I was impressed by the organisers' attention to detail. The usual convention goodie bag was, instead, a Red Cross parcel*, and our meal tickets came in ration books.
Cardboard box made to resemble a Red Cross box, next to a ration book and a name tag for NZAME convention 2016.
The venue, an aviation history museum, was also perfectly chosen for the theme (and made for great photos throughout the weekend!)
Group of people talking at a table in a hanger, with vintage airplanes suspended above.
After the first evening's events (there was shopping, which I'll tell you about later) we returned to our accommodation for the weekend, changed into our PJs and opened our goodie boxes over a couple of glasses of wine.
Two open cardboard boxes in the style of Red Cross boxes. Between them is a glass of sparkling wine, and a hand reaches into the back one.
Most of the contents fitted with the convention theme, and included knitting patterns and  khaki knitting wool, magazines and books from the time, a school satchel, a game of scrabble and a pair of stockings.
Empty cardboard box in the style of a Red Cross box, with a selection of 1940s-themed miniatures spread out in front of it.
Of particular note for me was a manual toaster (courtesy of Garden City Miniatures),
1/12-scale vintage toaster with drop-down sides, and a box for it.
a portable gramophone (by Ginny, Mike and Louise Ind of East Coast minis group),
1/12-scale vintage portable record player.
a Brownie camera and photo wallet (W.W.W. club)
1/12-scale vintage box brownie camera and photo packet, on a full-sized advertisement for the camera.
and a gas mask in its box (North Shore Miniatures Club).
1/12-scale vintage gas mask and box containing instructions for use.
(*Also very handy for getting miniatures home safely!)


  1. Awesome goodie box! The ration cards were an amazing touch

  2. Some Very Creative vintage minis which are not only reminiscent of their era but fall in line with the theme of the entire event.
    The general decor of the venue and the unique and clever packaging is All a real Treat to behold! :D

  3. I haven't read today's blog yet - but I just had to tell you I woke up to the news of earthquake in NZ and I was concerned that you and your parents were okay - then I remembered you were writing retrospectively. Phew. But poor new Zealand.

  4. Everything looks amazing and fun. Some amazing little minis made by the clubs; a very talented and imaginitive bunch indeed.

  5. Thanks for your concern Tina: yes, I'm now running about three weeks behind in blogging because I had so many photos to work through.

    And the family is fine, although some are a bit shaken :-)

  6. I really wish we had these conventions where I live. I'm so jealous..

  7. You could start your own, Pepper: I'd come :-D
