Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The forties on parade (part two)

A few more of the 1940s-themed miniatures on display at this year's NZAME convention...

VE Day celebrations in Art Deco Avenue - May 1945, by Weenie's Sunday School:
Miniature scene of a VE Day street party in front of a row of Art Deco houses.
Miniature scene of a VE Day street party in front of a row of Art Deco houses.
Miniature scene of a VE Day street party in front of a row of Art Deco houses.
Miniature scene of a piano at a VE Day street party in front of a row of Art Deco houses.
A row of Art Deco houses with british flag bunting strung between the lamp posts and chairs and tables set up for a street party.
Wartime terraced houses by Garden City Miniaturists:
Display of two rows of miniature terrace houses
Miniature terrace house back yard with paper tape on the windows and washing on the line.
Miniature terrace house back yard with paper tape on the windows and washing on the line.
Row of miniature terrace houses with paper tape on the windows.
Telephones and Typewriters by Donna Leddy:
Wooden box containing a one-twelfth scale miniature telephone exchange and office.
One-twelfth scale miniature telephone exchange.
One-twelfth scale miniature 1940s office with filing cabinet, desk and typewriter.
Memories of a state-house childhood by Gay Buchanan:
One-twelfth scale miniature 1940s child's bedroom with two girl dolls in it.
 (with back-story) 
Placard explaining the story behind the miniature 1940s child's bedroom scene 'Memories of a State House Childhood'
1940s memories by Alison Ede (North Shore Miniatures, Weenie's Sunday School)
Small round metal suitcase with a clear front, containing a one-twelfth scale scene containing 1940s items.
One-twelfth scale scene 1940s items on a shelf.
 And these tiny laundries in Reckitt's bags:
Display of Reckitt's bags containing miniature vintage laundries.
Three Reckitt's bags containing miniature vintage laundries.
Miniature vintage laundry in a Reckitt's bag.
Miniature vintage laundry in a Reckitt's bag.


  1. I love the switchboard...what a crazy way to make a call! :D

  2. The VE Day street part reminds me of the Queens Jubilee party we had. Ah, some fun times.
    Love the recreation of history in miniature. Thanks for sharing the photos

  3. Otterine: IKR? And let's not even mention party lines!

    Pepper: I found it interesting that most of the 40s scenes on display seemed to be based in England...
