Saturday, February 03, 2018

Three chairs for (well, actually from) IKEA!

I was scuttling through IKEA this morning, using the shortcuts to get from the restaurant (where I'd had breakfast) to the As-Is corner, when I spotted these
Three IKEA chair-shaped hooks hanging on a wall with a price tag next to them.
and screeched to a halt.

They were too big to use in one-twelfth scale, but for $5 I had to have them.

I had a plan you see...
Black plastic doll's chair being held up.
 As I suspected, chopping off the piece of plastic at the front was time-consuming but doable.
Miniature black chair on display amoungst a selection of framed pictures and white ceramic pieces.
And now I'm thinking of using them as tea-light holders.

(If you're interested,:they're 6 cm to seat top)

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