Sunday, January 12, 2020

Weekend green thumb

This was the view of my poor long-ignored ivy kit yesterday evening:
1/12 scale miniature plant kit with bare stems in a plant pot filled with 'soil' on top of a cotton reel, with a packet of air-drying clay to one side and a set of instructions behind.
late this morning: 
1/12 scale miniature plant kit with half bare and half leafy stems in a plant pot filled with 'soil' on top of a cotton reel, with tray of extral leaves on one side and a pair of pliers on the other.
 and, finally, this evening:
1/12 scale modern miniature scene of a wooden mid-cantury modern sideboard with a string of pearls and an ivy plant on top at one end, and three vases in yellow, orange and teal at the other. Above the sideboard is a print of an animal waering a spotty T shirt in the same colours.
I still need to arrange the stems a bit but am happy with the general end result, and even more happy with the fact it's finally done with counting and gluing and can move on to something else!


  1. Sorting the leaves may have been tedious, but the ivy plant in its pot looks MARVELLOUS!
    Well Done, YOU!

  2. Thank you: I feel rather chuffed, but also silly that it took 25 years to get to it!

  3. But you did get to it! And it looks lovely! Gives all of us hope that maybe we'll get to all of our "kits in waiting", too!
