Monday, March 13, 2006

Why bother buying plane tickets?

I seem to be able to travel (without realising it) to the other side of the world...

Cool! Can't wait for a return visit....

And since I appear to be posting, I thought I'd share some pics of my visit today to my local op (thrift) shop (are you with me, Pink Rocket?): The approach (I'm never quite sure if the chair is for sale or to sit in while perusing the books outside the shop). Time from my desk? Oh, about 1 minute.Come inside! No need for a cart. Or a basket. If you like something, bring it to the counter and they'll hold onto it for you... Oh! I guess this would be the kitchenware/ bric a brac/ childrenswear/ patterns/ fabric/ craft/sound/luggage aisle!And way over the other side would be the shoes/ manchester/ books/ toys aisle. And look! The lovely Maria is working today and takes great pride in showing me the pile of stuff still waiting to be sorted in the back room (note: this picture was taken with me standing in the doorway to the back room)

And I left with a few little somethings for a certain saucy minx which I got cheap since I didn't have quite enought money. The refrain "That's OK, you're a regular" was music to my ears and I promised a donation next time I was in.


  1. you're gonna LOVE thrifin' in the states girly!! not to brag but my goodwill is the size of a grocery store! and my st. vincent's is about the size of my're going to need LOTS of luggage!

    but how cute is yours! i want to go digging through it all!

  2. This one does happen to be one of the smallest ones in town...

  3. I received my thrifty vixen package from you today and I love love love everything you sent me. Thank you sooooooooo much. I will download pix on my blog tonite and brag about your thrifty skills. Thank you again, everything was wonderful...
    Chrissie Grace
