Saturday, April 08, 2006

You knew I wouldn't last, didn't you?

Go on, admit it. 1 month without frugalling? Yeah, right. All I can say is there were no craft supplies bought. I didn't even dare look in that area, just in case.

And I'm proud to say I saw a skirt for $5 which had fabulous fabric. Just perfect for a bag. Except it's Use What You Have Month. So I put it back on the rack and left the store very quickly. I can still here it calling "but you could take me iiinnnnn and weeeaaaar me until Maaaaaay...."

So here's the haul for today:

From left to right:

* Glass jar with metal lid $1. Perfect for keeping my braids and ric racs in.

* (In jar) Red Mickey Mouse braces for my Dad. $5. I had to call him in NZ on my mobile from Vinnies to see if he still wore braces...

* Embroidered tray cloth $1. Not sure what I'll do with this but it was in perfect condition and it seemed a pity to leave it there. If all else fails perhaps I can send it to Yarnstorm for her collection.

* Vintage milk bottle holder $1. I hummed and harred about this but then decided heck, it was only $1 so bought it. I recently got Amy Butler's Found Style out of the library and so have been inspired to look at things slightly differently. I want to find jars to fit in here and keep stuff in it. (Don't you like that vagueness? Stuff - not sure what just yet..)

* Books! (this is getting a bit too much like Bruce Forsyth's Generation Game and the Cuddly Toy! cry). Fresh Air: $2 (note: if you live in Canberra and like crime fiction Salvos in Belconnen has a huge range of good condition trade paperback books for $2 each - someone's obviously had a cleanout. I was tempted to buy the lot and head straight for Booklore but refrained). Loose Screws (another holiday read) and Staying Alive: first aid made easy $1 total from Vinnies Belconnen. I could have got a third book included for my $1 but couldn't find anything I really wanted.

* Small rectangular dish: $1. I thought I could use it to put my salt and pepper grinders and Parmesan bowl in on the dining table. Of course it was the only thing I dropped as I tried to unlock the car door so one corner is now a little scritched.

* In front, a vintage tupperware container: $4. Originally for nuts and olives I'm going to move the buttons in here as the daisy dish works really well but something with a good strong lid would be more useful in the long run.

Total cost: $16.

Tonight I'm off to the first Risky Manoeuvres of the year. I love Risky Manoeuvres.

Unfortunately it's not because of the cutting edge dance, the edgy choreography, or the element of surprise in each performance. No. I love Risky Manoeuvres because they sell red bubbles before the show. And (in a very civilised move) you can take your drink into the performance with you.

OK, I also like Risky Manoeuvres because after the show the choreographer and dancers come out and answer the audiences questions and explain what they were trying to achieve.

But the red bubbles win out over all. (I tried finding a link to the red bubbles but oddly there is no mention of the winery that sponsors said red bubbles on the Australian Choreographic Centre website. Now I'm worried that there will be no red bubbles this year...)

I told you it was cold the other day...

(Soundtrack: Carmel, Set me free)


  1. The only purchase that could even be considered as falling off the wagon is the Tupperware container and I'm sure you'll put an eggplant dip and some crudites into it before you decide that it will be a button container. ;)

    Great purchases. I had to work yesterday so I had no opportunity to weaken, but I thought about it.

    The tray cloth is beautiful. Can't have too many of them. :)

  2. bwah-ha-ha-ha!! i knew it wouldn't last! ti-hee! heck, i wou;dn't have made it one day!
