Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I will sing, sing a new song...

Just a quick post from the heart of Times Square where I have just bought two tickets for this afternoon's performance of Spamalot. Just don't ask how much they cost - I'm using creative accounting (birthday money + birthday money + birthday money + casino winnings = tickets that aren't really as outrageously expensive as they seem at first glance.

With two minutes of free internet remaining here's the expurgated version of yesterday: Central Park, Metropolitan Museum of Art (gift shop only), Guggenheim (yay! but boo that I couldn't see the outside)Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Central Park again, FAO Schwarz, Crate and Barrel then a stagger back to our neighbourhood where we found a Wholefood Market, picked up supplies and had dinner at the little dining table in our room overlooking the streetbefore climbing into our PJs and collapsing embarrasingly early...

Today I think we're sticking round midtown - MOMA, Empire State Building, NY Public Library, Flatiron Building and a little ribbon and trim place I've heard about.....

So far 40 isn't too bad ;-)


  1. sounds like you're having a great time!!

    happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Are you off to M&J Trimmings?
