Thursday, August 17, 2006

Corners of my home: Week 11

Some new office corners, the result of some serious putzing on Sunday morning. Loving the flowers which remind me that spring isn't too far away.

The frugalled bird from Saturday has found a home on top of the restained wooden canister I bought on eBay as part of a set of two. The small box frame is from Go-Lo ($7.99 for three - you can see the other two in the next photo) and contains a magnet Princess B gave me for my 40th ("she could see no good reason to act her age").

And finally two birthday presents from last year - a tea light holder and a smoky bottle, both of which have been looking a bit lost up til now.And here's what's at the other end of the cupboard. Yay Trudy!

There's also a magnolia flower which arrived last birthday attached to a present, a toy cast iron stove which was given to me as part of a batch of dolls house furniture by a client a few years ago - identical to a stove I left behind when I moved to Australia, a vintage German basket with an emergency stash of dark chocolate Lindt balls, the two other frames I was telling you about which are framing images I cut out of a magazine advertising Tord Boontje's Heaven Scent fabric for Kvadrat (insert one minute's drooling time here), and finally a Steiff hog which was sent to me from Germany many years ago.

Hmm... maybe I should have named this post "Frugal corners of my home" as the total cost for both corners was $32 (excluding the chocolate).

(Listening to: Nordic Lounge compilation)


  1. Is it completely safe for Trudy to be quite near those chocolates? I am, of course, worried for Trudy's health rather than the fate of the chocolates. ;)

  2. Never fear, the chocolates didn't last very long after the photo was taken (and Trudy had nothing to do with it...)
