Monday, August 07, 2006

Little things make me happy

I popped into Kmart yesterday afternoon to check out a dress I'd seen in their catalogue (yes, it ended up making me look like a sack of potatoes as some Kmart things are wont to do so I was happy to have mentally saved $35.99). But I walked out with a black ribbed hooded knit jacket for $8.80.

Which is only around 50% off the original price of $15.98. But what I love is it's a children's size 14. I'm in the lucky position to be the largest sized kids shoe and clothes size as well as normal adult size. So I get to look in twice as many places for clothes and, more excellently, often find that the largest kids' size is cheaper than buying the adult version.

Once, many years ago, I got size 5 kids' Converse One Stars (in the days when you could still just wander in off the street and buy a pair... *sniffle*) for $30 cheaper than the exact same pair marked adults size 5. Go figure...

And I still remember the brilliant children's size 14 black and white op art leggings I picked up at Deka in New Zealand circa 1988 for $16 which a colleague at Radio Active swore he'd seen at Camden Market. I wore them with a large baggy black fishermens rib jumper (and, I seem to recall, fluro pink socks and black canvas chinese slippers) and an air of "of course they came from London" until they fell apart.

Do you have a favorite bargain clothing memory?

(Listening to: Cafe del Mar Volumen Once)

1 comment:

  1. I shoe shop in the childrens dept. too. I recently got a pair of pink sequined flats that are so cute random people stop me to tell me they love them. I got them for $5 in clearance at Marshalls.
