Friday, October 13, 2006

Big Day Out

Summer seems to have made an unexpectedly early appearance here in Canberra with temperatures above 30 degrees c (80 degrees f) yesterday. I know it's a trick, though, and will ignore it for as long as possible (or until I give myself heat stroke!)

Anyway, there are two reasons for my post title today.

Yesterday was, indeed a Big Day Out workwise with my day staring at 8:30am and finishing around 9:30pm. But it was all good as the afternoon and evening was mainly taken up with eating, drinking and chatting to lots of wonderful people (and a little frantic getting ready beforehand). So it really didn't feel much like "work" at all.

Secondly, I awoke this morning to an email from Princess B saying she'd bought us tickets to next year's Big Day Out, which went on sale at midnight last night (I'm hoping she wasn't up with her fingers poised over her keyboard at 11:59pm!)

I'm so excited as this'll be my first BDO and another passage in becoming a rooly trooly Aussie sheila (I think my last one was eating an Iced VoVo). And I'll finally get to see The Violent Femmes in concert: I had free tickets in the mid 80s for a gig at The Student Uni in Wellington and got as far as the door before deciding for some reason that I really couldn't be bothered. So I went home. A decision I've always regretted...

(Listening to: Ace of Base, Da Capo)


  1. Were the organza "be a smartie" bags hand made ?

  2. Perhaps... by women somewhere in China! WOuld have made them myself but many many other things to get finished that I couldn't buy.

    (The bags came from Hot Dollar if you're interested, but I think we bought all their stock)

  3. big day out.. I need one..
    enjoy your weekend..
