Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Shameless plug

I'm going to be quite busy over the next couple of days as I'm listing a shipment of vintage miniatures from a collector in New Zealand. She purchased good quality pieces through the early to mid 1980s and is now liquidating her collection.

So if you have (or would like to get) a dolls house head over to my eBay store between now and the weekend and see if there's anything you'd like to add to your collection.

I have a number of vintage Hantel pewter pieces (including the quite rare Noah's Ark), a large stock of crockery, many vases, blue and white china and other yummy goodies from around the world (including these guys pictured above)

I also have the full range of Lundby Gothenburg 1/18th houses and furniture including limited stock of pieces now discontinued.

(Normal blog programming will resume tomorrow)

1 comment:

  1. I love the cat's smile.. so happy and content of him or herself.. =)
    wish you good luck for on-time finishing..
