Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stitchin', (not much) bitchin' (and a little drinkin')

Ahhh... What a perfect combination. Beer and wool. And on a Sunday afternoon - even better!

Today I went to my first ever Stitch n Bitch, mainly because Ginger_nut, the winner of my blogiversary bag was in town and there was a special SnB arranged for her.I discovered that knitting needles have a second use - stabbing wedges too far away to be picked up manuallyand that hanging out at the pub with a large table of people all knitting is pretty cool. Especially when the aforementioned wedges take so long to arrive we get a free bottle of wine to make up for our patience.

The drunken fuckwit at the next table was not so cool but we coped.

Now you must excuse me. I'm off to watch the Tropfest DVD which came with yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald. What do you mean you don't have one?! It's the best $2.20 you'll spend all year!

(Listening to: Madonna, Like a prayer)


  1. oh love the stichin with the wine and the pub! ahhhhh

    guurrrreaat haul of books you got there, which has of course inspired me to be much, MUCH, more devoted to my book thrifting which at the moment is a bit lazy, though while ebaying nursing books for my degree I found out that a nursing book I picked up at Vinnies for 50c was up at $80 with a couple of days still to go, you cannot imagine how excited this made me feel, sad old cow that I am when making money things I got for cheap goes, not that I'm selling it, it's the thought that counts.

    oh and if you have any of those tickets going spare, we'll be in canberra soon with my mum and hubby in tow, so we could make use of any of them


  2. That looks like fun!
    And drunken fwits? Bleerrrggghh

  3. Firstly - I am again envious of your book joy from the oppie the other day - I can't imagine finding contemporary craft books! (I find lots of 70s ones, but not so much new.)

    Secondly, what is that yummy looking wool in your picture? and what are you knitting with it? Is it cotton?

    x Helen

  4. Hi Helen

    Not my wool, I'm afraid (I was busy knitting dinosaur spine bits in bright red, yellow, blue and green) The wool belonged to the person sitting next to me, who (I believe) had just finished dying it.

    Her eBay name is monnsqueak and she has some for sale at the moment.
