Monday, March 26, 2007

The Shopping Sherpa's Fiscal Fast Day 1 (or maybe Day 2)

Is it cheating by reconsidering and saying since I last spent money on Saturday at 4pm my week of Fiscal Fasting actually started then so therefore finishes this Saturday at 4pm (not Sunday noon) leaving me able to go have dinner with Princess B and The Queen of Maryville with a clear conscious?

No, I didn't think so either. Therefore I magically leap from the end of Day 1 to the end of Day 2!

I didn't plan this very well at all. I should have gone and done a last minute frenzied grocery shop to keep me going for the week. But I didn't and so by yesterday I was out of:

* Potatoes
* Eggs
* Tofu
* Tomatoes
* Zucchini
* Smoked Salmon
* and, most importantly,CHOCOLATE!

Yesterday afternoon saw me decide that desperate times called for desperate measures and so out came the 1972
Edmonds Cookbook and I whipped up a batch of chocolate fudge which should hopefully tide me over... (Please take note of the "scratch and sniff" tendencies of the recipe page)
I spent the evening sprawled on the sofa with Nibbs, watching a video of Anne of Green Gables (however did I miss reading it as a kid?!), eating fudge and drinking wine from the $1.97 a bottle red wine stash Aunty A gave me a couple of weeks ago. (Daylight saving has ended which means I stop drinking white wine and switch back to red for the colder months.)

Today I popped in to deliver the 50 cent ball of 12 ply Clinker yarn I bought for Taphophile to knit a hat for the homeless out of and she had a huge box of goodies for me in return which included the following:Which sorts out how I'm going to entertain myself for, oh, the next year or so. And also helped the withdrawal symptoms caused by driving oh so close to two of my favorite op shops on the way back home without being able to pop in and just see what they had.

Total spent so far: $0.00

(Listening to: OneTwo, Item)


  1. I am loving the 'breakfastcup' measure.

  2. No money spent - well done. Lovely to see you today. Will start the new beanie later in the week. Very impressed by 100g ball of wool fo 50c in a retail shop!

  3. I refuse to upgrade my trusty Edmonds. I love that the photos make the food look terrible. I love that I have to use a breakfastcup to make the recipes (lucky I still have a few and that I can convert my scale to oz!)And I love that it has its original price on the cover (49 cents). And the cake baking powder section ("This section is compiled so the housewife can continue to do her own baking when eggs are scarce or expensive") cracks (argh argh) me up.

  4. Don't worry, I'm with you on the fiscal fasting! I just noted to my horror that I have only $126 to last 'til next Thursday, and I have $118 worth of bills that must be paid this week. Thankfully I've got heaps of food though.

    Let's see how creative I can be with $8...

    Kerry :)

  5. I hate to admit it, but I have that very same Edmunds cook book and I still use it!!!

    No, wait a minute, my book doesn't have the choc spots. We'd never let that much chocolate drop... slurp!
