It's weird working in an office with other people. Or maybe I just work in a weird office...
Yesterday morning a colleague and I played patty cake. As you do.
And in the afternoon I had this conversation with Finance Boy who sits next to me:
FB: (Out of the blue) "Would you like to see my bank account?"
TSS: (Looking perplexed) Is that some kind of Accountant mating call I don't know about?"
(titters from behind us where everyone else sits)
So we all huddled round to look at FB's bank account. Which has a whopping 9 cents in it.
TSS: "It's very small, isn't it?"
Other Officemate: "Yeah, but it's not important how big it is it's what he does with it..."
At which stage we all fell round in fits of laughter.
Looks like you are being wooed..