Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wanted to adopt

Do you have (or know anyone who has) a 4 thread overlocker which is surplus to requirements and looking for a new home?

I returned from New Zealand convinced that the one thing missing from my life was an overlocker and, although I'm happy to buy new (even though the only Bernina dealer I know of in town is a most unwelcoming place which I'd really rather not visit) I figured there might be a pre-loved one out there somewhere willing to relocate to Chateau TSS.


  1. You don't have to buy Bernina (I hear you on that shop - not a big fan, and I bought my Bernina sewing machine there. Janome make a great overlocker too. I have a very old 3 spool and I love it.

    I'll try to come over soon with the surprise, now you're back.

  2. Love my Janome, too, but I'm not parting with it - sorry.

  3. I'll just put a plug in for my 4-fred Brother overlocker which has revolutionised my sewing since I bought it. Uh yeah, sorry I'm not parting with mine either ... Over here in NZ some of the big electrical goods type stores sell sewing machines, and Spotlight does too but of course you really have to already know what you want, I don't think they do demonstrations...

  4. Haha How youa re hooked! - Literally when you try to threasd those wonderful machines. Not giving mine away (I think) though I have hardly used it lately.

  5. Me me me
    I have a 4 thread Janome which has only been used a few times (but has been sitting in a cupboard for at least 4 years, so needs a service.)
    I'll be in Canberra from tomorrow. Shall I bring it?
