Sunday, April 13, 2008


I decided last week that April will be a quiet month for me - the reclusive half of my gregarious reclusive personality needed some serious time out after the excitement and adventures of the past few months.

I had a clear weekend on Friday. Well apart from some cat feeding in the next suburb over which really doesn't count.

I'd read about a new farmers' outlet on
Ampersand Duck's blog which intrigued me so Friday after cat feeding (which serendipitously happens to be just around the corner from said farmers' outlet) I stopped off at Choku Bai Jo on the way home and stocked up on scrummy local veges. Meaning I didn't have to get up early on Saturday morning to go to the farmers' market. This, I suspect, will be a blessing through winter as the temperature plummets and the thought of getting up, scraping the ice off the car and heading out to get supplies at sparrow's fart Saturday morning becomes less and less appealing.

Saturday I "just"ed. You know - you think you're having a lazy day but somehow you just end up cleaning the bathroom. You just happen to start getting through the ironing backlog. You just do a little sorting and tidying and sewing. Then you just pop out to catch up with a friend for coffee. After which you just happen to wander through Lyncraft and Big W's craft section and pick up a few necessary bits. And you just so happen to decide to head to the
ANU Film Group to see Jumper in the evening (and decide it's a nasty movie when they ruin a library).

By the end of the evening I felt like I'd achieved rather a lot for a day where I thought I'd done nothing but relax!

Today was even better. I finished an order. Sorted out a lot of stuff that is overdue to be posted to various people. Attacked my inbox and got it somewhat under control (ie: below 100 emails in my inbox which is quite a record for me I'm sad to say).

Taph popped in on her way northward and we discussed my boredom with my furniture and my yen for an IKEA blowout. Then, after she left, I settled down on the sofa to knit the aforementioned order and within half an hour I was upstairs shoving furniture around. As you do...

So now the upstairs looks like a bomb's hit it but the main bits of furniture are in much more sensible spots. Once I have all the stuff back in the cupboards and shelves I think things will work much better.

And it's still just after 6pm. I think I'll just go feed the cats then settle down with a glass of wine and watch a DVD. Once I work out which pile they ended up in during this afternoon's maelstrom!


  1. I love this. "Just"ing. Much of my weekend happens that way, too. Now I've got a word for it.
