Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fiscal Fast Day Ten: In which I had a nose like a tap but was immensely cheered up by some new arrivals

So I've been feeling pretty crap since last Thursday. Taking things easy. Sleeping a lot. That sort of mature and sensible stuff. So why, 5 days later do I feel worse, not better?

Bugger. Maybe I should have been out sculling cheap booze and dancing on tables in skimpy outfits instead and thus miraculously feel fine by now. On the bright side I've got to use pretty much all my collection of black and white hankies this weekend.

Also on the bright side, at Stitch 'n' Bitch last night Rachel pulled out a black row counter! After I calmed down enough to make sense she said she didn't really like it and before she could change her mind I swapped her for a boring blue one from my kit. And now it's mine. ALL MINE!!!! Oh yes, that's another secret squirrel birthday present in the background. (Note to self: must start knitting project I can actually show on my blog.) It's made from some lovely wool I picked up in Wangaratta Salvos. Originally from New Zealand, of course...

More woolly goodness arrived this morning in the form of a package from the Parental Units. It included a lovely warm merino possum hat and gloves. Mmmmmmm.... merino possum...
And since I'm having op shop withdrawals I thought I'd include a photo of the fabric I picked up on my road trip last month. The plains are IKEA, the patterned pieces are vintage. They're now all nicely washed and folded and ready to mature in the stash:
Day Ten:

Breakfast: Tea. Toast and strawberry jam. Cereal and milk.

Morning Tea: Crackers and cheese. Apple.

Lunch: Baked tofu with vegetables, udon noodles and satay sauce.

Afternoon tea: Anzac biscuits. The last of the Ski D'lite yoghurt.

Dinner: Leftover ratatouille from the freezer with penne pasta and grated cheese. In my PJs. In bed. In about ten minute's time!

Finished today:
* Yoghurt pottles (I can buy plain biodynamic next time I'm shopping or borrow back the yoghurt maker I gave to Taph last year. I think the first option is safer as my track record with making yoghurt is rather, shall we say, curdled?)

Bought today:
* Cat food: $2.00

Total spent since June 1: $55.68.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the counter. The blue one is fine for me! Yummy fabric!
