Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fiscal Fast Day Twenty Nine: I ran out of time

Once again the list of things I wanted to achieve today was longer than the number of hours in the day. I hate it when that happens, especially when it means Sunday turns into a mad day of hitting the deadlines rather than what it should be which is rather more like this: But I brought it on myself so I really can't complain.Priorities had to be shuffled this weekend as I got an email on Friday from CMAG telling me that "Ben, our Amazing Marketing Helper, will be doing your flier in Monday and will use the images you've suggested" so this morning my office turned into a photographic studio (with a little help from a roll of Mala drawing paper I picked up from IKEA in Melbourne, planning to use it for pattern cutting...)Add to that 4 loads of washing (thus using up the last of my washing powder), a visit from Taph (always a welcome diversion) plus some major dusting and cleaning of the next house to be showcased and packed tomorrow (which included the creation of a replacement chimney piece plus trying to work out the electrics) and I'm pooped.And feeling guilty that I still have 15 half finished bags sitting waiting for attention a week after I last looked at them (including a special order). Plus a pair of wristwarmers still unfinished for a birthday last week. And the final touch on another birthday present which needs to hit the mail on Tuesday not only unfinished but unstarted. And a friend I promised to call this weekend. Sigh....

Day Twenty Nine:

Breakfast: Tea. Oaty hotcakes with sugar and lemon juice.

Lunch: Mexican chili beans (the final lot from the freezer stash) which included half a giant mushroom (chopped), spinach from the freezer and grated cheese. On rice.

Dinner: Wine. Penne cheese with parsley (posh macaroni cheese: I need comfort food)

Finished today:
* Washing powder (having done 4 loads today I think I can last without doing any washing til Tuesday)
* Mexican chili beans (I'll buy another tin next time they're on special)
* Mushrooms

Bought today:
* Organic milk: $2.49
* Cat food: $1.19

Total spent since June 1: $156.59 (plus $116.84 on a dolls house)


  1. Perhaps you are weak from lack-of-chocolate hunger. Will this be remedied soon, or does the fiscalling continue?

  2. your so talented with dollhouses minitures, they always look brilliant!

    Yummm!!! Penne cheese sounds good!
