Saturday, August 09, 2008

Two days in pictures


Either she's desperate and papered every wharf in town or she lives in South Mosman:Big matches outside the Art Gallery of New South Walesand Biennale black and white art inside:Centrepoint sparkles in the sun as I wander past on the way to The Powerhouse Museum...where I drool over the Seidler office recreation in the Modern Times exhibition:Saturday:

Hey hey it's
Krispin K!Whose trend forecast radar tells us yellow is the next big thing:He gave us a fab tour, as usual and taught us lots in a very short timealthough it was a little odd as half the exhibits we usually visit weren't there this year. For example, it was most disconcerting to find a completely empty turbine hall and another couple of the galleries dark, empty and closed off...

Then again, since our tour ran double the length it should have, this may well have been a good thing!
Princess B and I made our own way down to the Student Fashion exhibitionAnd, on a completely unrelated note, I thought this (spotted at the entertainment centre carpark) was brilliant. No yellow bucket needed here!

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