Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Modern miniatures: the midweek edition (part two. Not quite miniature)

Hello again!

I spent this evening finally starting to download and watch the very engaging and interesting ABC series
Not Quite Art which I found out about randomly some weeks ago and have been meaning to check out ever since.

Which made me realise I've never mentioned a not quite miniature (in the sense of dolls house miniature) project I have on my bloglines:
Little People: a tiny street art project. I particularly love the Nuart Show pieces from last year...


  1. very funny in a most gruesome way.

  2. Haha! Lol. I just made a blog on modern dollhouses and i was wondering if I could post a link to your blog on mine. Let me know.

  3. Always happy to be included on peoples' bloglists: no need to ask. All I ask is if you use a photo of mine you credit me and let me know :-)
