Tuesday, January 06, 2009

$5 finds

I'm not sure which I'm more stoked about: Essteele Australis 5.5L jam making pot, found at Vinnies Belconnen where I saw it as it left the cart of new stuff being put out and had it in my hot little hands before it had a chance to hit the shelf.

When I got up to the front counter, Francis-the-shop-lady said "Oh, that's a good buy. It's only that cheap because it doesn't have a lid". I explained that I was sure my glass frypan lid would fit just fine and that they'd just saved me a trip to David Jones (which was my planned next stop) where I was going to finally buy the Bistro stockpot I'd been hankering after since I moved to Canberra 10 years ago. All because I had a pile of oranges and lemons I'd been given which, after my first adventures with jam making, I wanted to try and turn into marmalade.

So Francis wrote out her never fail marmalade recipe for me while the woman behind me in the line waited patiently:

Francis' 3 Day Marmalade

6 pieces of citrus fruit
4 pints water
1 cup sugar per cup pulp

Day One: Grate the skin of the fruit then cut the fruit up. Place in the water and leave overnight.

Day Two: Boil about 10 minutes or until soft.

Day Three: For each cup pulp, add one cup sugar (or slightly less according to taste). Boil until the mixture sets in cold water. Bottle.

Across the road at Salvos I bought this for $5:
a CD rack (I think it was originally from IKEA but can't be stuffed going through my old catalogues) which just screams out to be turned into a 3/4 inch scale modern apartment/ holiday house... (Thanks to Mini Modern for originally mentioning the concept)


  1. That CD rack will make a cool miniature cottage - look forward to a new miniature on monday soon !!

  2. Clever!!
    It really transforms well into a modern pad.

  3. OH! I am SO happy to have found your blog! What treasure! I hunted high and low for a modern dolls house - I find all the victorian ones a bit creepy. I wanted mid century modern. I found very few bits and bobs and virutally nothing I could afford! So now I get to enjoy your collection whenever I want! Fantastic! Thank-you. I'll be back! t.x

  4. Yes! ha ha ha! This is the one I used--the Blista!! I also used the Kaxas CD units too--the black one with the smoked doors and the white one with the orange plexi doors. Too funny. I can't wait to see what cool things you do with them...
