Monday, February 23, 2009

Modern Miniatures on Monday: a random round up

So many great mini-related things have popped up in my email or Bloglines in the last week or so. If I dedicated one post to each I'll be here forever so instead, here's a monster random roundup...

1. Rebecca's Collections, a new mini blogger from Darwin, shared pictures of her 1960s Lundby house with legs (a close cousin to mine) 2. Altera's Mini World showed us her amazing modern kitchen scenedining room settingand fabulous DIY Castiglioni Arco Lamp
3. MY MINI-PLAYGROUND stumbled across some gorgeous pictures which she shared of the Area 12 Contemporary Dollhouse on FLICKR
4. And I got an email from Paris Renfroe letting me know he now ships his eBay listings worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! I'm super flattered. Thank you so much for the shout out.

    Also - great news on Paris Renfroe. His designs (and the quality and construction) are really superb!
