Thursday, February 19, 2009


Yesterday I mentioned that we'd been given a brief in class which I'd failed to follow. Here's the brief in full:

"Investigation of the interaction of:
* line and plane
* plane and volume
* volume and line

In your visual diary make 3 descriptive (and speculative) drawings of an imagined sculpture that explores each interaction. From these drawings chose one drawing and construct a small sculpture with the material provided.

Once you have completed your sculpture make an observational drawing of the sculpture with coloured textas on a large piece of cartridge paper."

First up: the good bits: I drew my original sketches in my visual diary. My sculptures displayed examples of each interaction.

As I mentioned yesterday, I then went off the rails and drew 17 sketches. Coming back to the brief I see that the brief is somewhat confusing (do they want 3 drawings of a single sculpture that has all three interactions in it? Do they want 1 drawing of a single sculpture for each interaction? 3 drawings of a single sculpture for each interaction? Or 1 drawing of 3 sculptures for each interaction?)

No matter what the brief intended, 17 is too many. *sigh*

It gets worse. Does this look like "chose one drawing and construct a small sculpture with the material provided."?

(left to right: line and plane, plane and form, line and form)

But wait! There's more!

(form and line)

I could, of course, have declared it was all part of one sculpture but that would be bollocks...The final nail in the US column:

"Once you have completed your sculpture make an observational drawing of the sculpture with coloured textas on a large piece of cartridge paper."

I used my visual diary. And I had no coloured textas (in my defence, they weren't on the list for that class). Even if I had, it's kinda hard to draw a black and white sculpture using coloured textas, right?

So even though I have four sculptures that I was rather pleased with, it wasn't what was required. Kind of like knitting a beautiful jumper, several sizes too small for the intended recipient. Or cooking a wonderful dinner: three days before your guests are due to show up.

The weird thing is I'm very happy with the outcome as I feel I've learn one very important thing: read, understand and stick to the brief.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you poor thing! Asides from the confusion they look really cool :)
