Friday, May 15, 2009

Soft Animators photos from last night at Craft ACT

Ghostpatrol and Cat Rabbit (pretty exciting as I'd just recently watched the ABC miso + ghostpatrol documentary on You tube, recommended by one of the many blogs I read. Part One here: follow the prompts to watch parts two and three) Skull Sender I & II
Skull KeeperWinterlong I(detail)Charles Darwin Super 200

And on the other side of the gallery, Cupco
(Man, I'm so proud that I finally remembered to write down the details of what I was looking at. Which means I don't just have to blog pictures saying "This was cool!" "I liked this!")

Of course, I thought they were all cool and I liked them all. Why would I take photos otherwise?!


  1. Great photos! I was supposed to be there but I got sick during the day so couldn't get there.

    I went to a Ghost Patrol and Cat Rabbit exhibition at Gorker Gallery and actually bought a falconer. Unfortunately it was discovered (after I paid for it)the gallery had double-sold it, so I missed out. Very sad face.

  2. Sounds just glorious! Must get along if I can unfreeze my typing hands from keyboard and slip into something warm! Had forgotten how cool Canberra can get - both literally and figuratively!
