Saturday, August 08, 2009

Sometimes I wish my life wasn't quite so exciting...

Yesterday I quit my job.

Tonight I may have killed Miss Daisy... (and missed the final performance of Elling in the process. Which, oddly, I'm more upset about)


  1. aaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!
    i hope you're ok.
    will vibes of well wishing help?

  2. Oh dear! On all three counts!

    Hope you have a better Sunday!

  3. I hope both you and Miss Daisy are ok!

  4. Sorry to hear about your really bad day, hopefully now things just can get better!

    Checked your link: "Based on the cult Norwegian film of the same name"
    So it's a play based on a film based on a play based on a novel?

    (It was a play in Norway before they made the film)

  5. Hope you and Daisy are ok? Which job? hope that things improve.
